Southern Morendor

Illass Ciroin Inorae (snake head shore)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: East coast, south side of Cunin Seranah (still water cove) to Tirannor Nuas (temple bay) and Anbir Ser Ruith (quiet river inlet) to the South.
Description: Rock studded and steeply banked beaches, with bands of pale grey, and in places, rare black clay.

Morlinn Inorae (majestic shores)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Southern-most shores of Morendor, run the length of the land from Anbir Ser Ruith (quiet river inlet) around Malae Adar (devil's horn) and then north to Anbir Morgriael (demon's tongue inlet). Malae Adar Aerseo (devil's horn beach) is part of this shore line, and is located on the southern tip of Morendor.
Description: Stunning beaches with high dunes where sea shells of all kinds wash up. Surf fishing is excellent here, but it is no place to be during a storm where the swells and tidal surges swamp the beaches during severe storms.

Arias Finuethari (briar-wood forest)
Domain: Morthaen (shadowland elves)
Location: South Morendor, north of Devil's Horn and south of Demon Horn Lake.
Description: A large, very ancient wilderland. The elves live in the central part of the forest and build their homes, which they call tirairden (tree keeps), high in the branches of the immense Esumythri (ancient good spirits), trees which grow in the central part of the forest. These trees are smooth barked, beautifully gnarled, and almost white in color, their leaves a deep red all year round. The elves do not make use of their valuable bonding and medicinal resin unless a tree dies. They use rope ladders and lifts, or even scale the trees, to ascend to their homes, which are made of tightly woven wicker, with elven silk cloth acting as screens for the windows. The doors are either carpet or hide. They guard their forest fiercely from hunters, wood cutters, and any stranger having ideas about using or taking this forest's resources. Flora and fauna alike are abundant and carefully managed and protected by the elves.

Ruith Setis (river cavern)
Domain: Mendorin
Location: Lonely mountains in south Morendor.
Description: This cavern lies within four mountains in the Morhir Bienae (lonely mountains) range. The cavern has two entrances where the Ruith Liemiel Ulanae (leaping falls river) and the Ruith Leiniriel Ulanae (glittering falls river) flow out of the rock slopes of Methseuamh Bien (cave mountain east) and Vethseuamh Bien (cave mountain west). This cavern meanders through the bellies of all four mountains, Faendior Bien (sloping ridge mountain) and Gothamhad Bien (dark wood mountain) included.

Morhir Bienae (lonely mountains)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh, Mendorin, Maelvanor, The Gothhelm Elseuven (netherelves), Vengoath, and the Rugor Goblin Tribe
Location: Southwest Morendor.
Description: A large mountain range, its rugged but beautiful lands very pristine, and even the demons which dwell there respect its virgin waters and forests. Caverns bore through the entire scope of this mountain range, all of them inhabited by either beasts, monsters, demons, elves, people, or the Vengoath Cannibles. There are subterranean fortresses in these caverns and corridors carved with emblems which mark the boundaries of underworld kingdoms.

Anun Morgadar (demon horn lake)
Domain: Morthaen (shadowland elves), Decasey Clan, Trecouri
Location: South Morendor.
Description: A lake so immense that it results in its own weather patterns. This fresh water lake is the size of a sea, and some call it Naxsalir Anumuir 'Saltless Sea'. There are islands in this lake, and its channels run into the blackest depths. This lake supports ships and some of its coves are more like bays. There are shipping ports on the lake but not many. No one (the Morning Star aside perhaps) knows what inhabits its deepest fathoms. The lake is teaming with fish, some quite large, and rare silver wombah's (otter-like) live on the Lake's shores. Prince Byron Decasey's lands includes the northern shores and land north of the lake. The Trecouri House of Uraechis, the second house of their unusual society, has a palace in a large citadel on an island called Uraechis Island, Demon Horn Lake, central. This large island is approximately fifty miles across from east to west and sixty miles long. Uraechis Citadel and palace is at the center of the island. These isolationist people are unforgiving to trespassers and will either kill or enslave anyone found trepassing on their island or in their magnificent city. Few outside of Trecouri society know anything about these people and their bizzarely strict customs. During the recent War of Man a great plague by released by Astraeus Doom Dragons resulting in a dangerously contagious population of doom zombie people, beasts and marine life within the lake. This highly contagious zombie plague is spread by contact with the zombies (50% chance by touch, 100% by bite or inhaling the doom vapors released by the zombies). As such demon horn has become a dangerous region, the northern area in particular. The infected fish of demon horn have spread this contagion by the rivers connecting to the lake. Even birds can carry this doom plague of they can survive the horrific transition.

Ruith Morgriael (demon tongue river)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh.
Location: Southern Morendor. River which flows south out of Anun Morgadar (demon horn lake).
Description: Deep, treacherous waters with strong currents and white waters. Hard to navigate.

Mythaen Fiun Finuleth (elven wine vinyards)
Domain: Morthaen (shadowland elves)
Location: Two vinyards, one South of the lonely mountains between the Ruith Liemiel Ulanae (leaping falls river) and the Ruith Leiniriel Ulanae (glittering falls river)s, the other at the southern-most mountain's west side.
Description: Beautiful garden vinyards which produce a variety of delicious grapes and other fruit from well tended orchards.

Morgadar Narsa (demon horn wilderlands)
Domain: Morthaen (shadowland elves)
Location: East of Demon Horn Lake.
Description: Ancient, very pristine forest, cloven by the Central Planes Road. The elves have a city built in the trees in this forest much as they do in Briarwood Forest.

Arias Sliavuel Besrha (stalking beast forest)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: East slopes and east of the Lonely Mountains.
Description: Untamed forestland with Bienae Innish (mountain road) cutting through them to Dolaeg Dain (winding pass), a mountain pass which leads to the west side of the mountains through a narrow valley.

Arias Gruagendor (goblin land forest)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: West slopes and land west of the Lonely Mountains.
Description: Untamed forestland with Bienae Innish (mountain road) cutting through them to Dolaeg Dain (winding pass), a mountain pass which leads to the east side of the mountains through a narrow valley. Morscaith Gruag (demon spawn goblins) which live in the Mortareth Setis (dark fortress caverns) often come down into the forest to hunt and cut firewood, or sometimes to rob those on the road.

Mordahris Gormath (forgotten mountains)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Southwest of Demon Horn Lake.
Description: Two forested mountains which stand alone south of the Goblin Land Forest.

Arias Mordahris (forgotten forest)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: The forest land covering and around the Forgotten Mountains.
Description: A pack of Morgauru (demonic wolves) lives in this very primeval forest. They can speak Malaen and rough Esurian as well as Mithazvyzat Wogir (tongue of speaking wolves).

Cunin Sadvanisa (windy cove)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Southwest Morendor, northwest of the Forgotten Mountains, and south of Paradise Cove to the north.
Description: Large cove that is beautiful but exposed to the ocean's storms and high swells, its uneven beaches evidence to this. A die hard surfer's envy. Surfing has been discovered and practiced by the people of Morendor, the Mythandor (sea elves) in particular.

Malae Adar (devil's horn)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Southern-most tip of Morendor.
Description: Awesome beaches, golden grass tufts, sparse evergreens called Fascaris (sheltering trees) sweep their boughs low over the ground to form perfect shelters and excellent shade. Shell collecting and fishing is excellent on Malae Adar Aerseo (devil's horn beach). The sand dunes of Devil's Horn sometimes pile onto the beaches. The horn turns hellish and is dangerous during severe storms and hurricanes.

Malae Adar Bhasrae (devil's horn dunes)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Dunes span the Malae Adar (devil's horn).
Description: These sand dunes form varying sized hills of sand across the horn with wide flats between them. Some are crowned with dense tufts of grass.

Dol Croaes (hangman's knot)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Large, barren island south of Devil's Horn and north of Hangman's Noose.
Description: This large, rock island is rich in the precious metal diamthrill, both silver (refered to as white) and black. Mining it requires specific knowledge, owed to its hardness and resilence. Few know the secrets to mining and forging this metal, most of whom are Morashthaen (dark star elves), Morthaen (shadowlands elves), or Morgalgaus (demons of hell). Like the small islands to the south, this isle is comprised of rock and sand, much of that rock viened and crystal studded with diamthrill. The island is a major source of diamthrill, and there are quarries with stone keeps which visiting miners take shelter and rest in from the elements. Storms on this barren island are hard to weather, and despite the island's size, few plants or animals can survive the pounding waves, stinging rain, and high winds off the horn. Sea birds alone visit this island, but not for long. The only permanent inhabitant of this island is a rare, and very old Basilus (stone dragon) which leaves the quarrymen alone if they leave it alone. It is said this grey shaded winged dragon can tell someone anything, if they can answer one of its riddles. If someone can answer two riddles, the dragon may also grant a fine sword and suit of diamthrill armour for the correct antidotes. The Basilus rests in mines that have been long abandoned for safer and more productive quarries. Crossing this dragon is perilous, for it possesses potent earth elemental powers.

Dol Croaes (hangman's noose)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Group of island shoals off of Devil's horn.
Description: These islands are what are left of the south horn after being weathered away by storms for millions of years. The islands are rich in the precious metal diamthrill, both silver (refered to as white) and black. Mining it requires specific knowledge, owed to its hardness and resilence. Few know the secrets to mining and forging this metal, most of whom are Morashthaen (dark star elves), Morthaen (shadowlands elves), or Morgalgaus (demons of hell). The islands are rock and sand, much of that rock viened and crystal studded with diamthrill.

Tirdamha Inorae (south haven shores)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: From Inlet of Demon Tongue River, north to the Lands of Wealth, and east to the forests. Grasslands and black sand beaches which bleed into amber sand fifty miles south of the Lands of Wealth.
Description: Jet Black sand beaches and rich, green grasslands. The black sand is from volcanic rock in the ocean and the shore alike. Many semi-precious minerals such as colorful agates, amethyst, obsidian and dark colored marbles can be found along these shores. There are several marble quarries in the grasslands which are cut into terraces for future strongholds when the best marble plays out.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008