
Cost of these to new characters is free up to +10. Cost to preexisting characters is 2000 XP each. Like advantages, for every detrimental trait taken, character gets a free beneficial trait.

Traits are mental and physical attributes that simply are a part of a character. Use Traits to build a unique custom character or to give an existing character type unique traits when an event occurs which causes your character to evolve or change, within reason.

Trait level is a blanket level rolled for all traits, and is +1 level per trait taken (thus trait level of all new characters is 7-10, +1 per trait level purchased to improve traits.

Humans for instance cannot have horns or fangs unless they have had them implanted for whatever bizzare reason. Many immortals on the other hand, such as demons and new breeds of vampires might have all kinds of traits unique to them, depending.

Consult with GM if the traits you want are extreme for your character type.

Improve Traits individually by Purchasing additional +1% or +1 points for Level x 1000 XP each (+3 strength would cost 3000 in otherwords)

If you have cool trait ideas with stats which you want to add to our lists, send them on!!

Beneficial Traits


Altered Time Reality: +10% chance per day of character slipping back or forward in time randomly, up to one year per success, and 200 years per ace.
Amphibious: live in or out of water, includes gills and oxygenating skin
Animal Empath: +1 information from animals, +1 per ace. Heal animals by touch by taking their injuries or wounds into self for a brief time. Can cause a delayed sort of death to character if animal is near death. Character can sense what an animal is feeling and thinking. Character always shows empathy and compassion towards animals and treats them with respect. Gain +1 called animal familiar (NPC player controlled, choose from bestiary).
Animal Empathy: 25% chance of showing empathy, compassion and respect towards animals.
Animal Form: (type) character can shift into (animal type) form, and has all traits of that animal. (Take traits and stats of animal type from bestiary or assign traits from this list if custom animal).
Arcane Entity: +4 magic paths, innate magic
Armor Plates: +5-AC armored flesh
Avatar: +25 HP bonus, immortality, embodiment of (concept or element type), +1 path relating to embodiment.


Being of Pure Thought: +1 mental power, takes no physical damage and has no physical form to affect others on a contact level, but has an ethereal light form.
Bioelectric Shock: +1 damage shocking touch
Bionics Variable: character has a mechanical body part (type), +1 strength to character, LoD 10 d6 per +1 strength bonus vs. breaking, -1 charisma per each part.
Bioplasma Dermal Armor: plasma skin armor, +5-AC, +5 damage riposte to attackers (on blocks)
Blood Healing: Blood heals others +5 HP per success.
Breathe Fire: +5 damage.
Broadcast (type-voice, thoughts, feelings): at telepathic ranges.


Carapace: +15 fortitude hard shell
Cause Delirium: touch causes others to have lapses of delirium via transmutable contagion particles in the skin. Lasts+1 d6 AR.
Chameleon Flesh: +5 stealth and 40% chance of not being seen as skin changes colour to blend character perfectly into the scenery. Movement reduces by -2, and -20%.
Channeling, Mental: channel thoughts from one person to another or from self to others.
Channeling, Visual: channel visions of something seen from one person to another or from self to others.
Channeling, Auditory: channel things that are heard from one person to another or from self to others.
Channeling, Pestilence: channel disease from one person to another or from self to others.
Clairvoyant: character can sense and see spirits, communicate with them, and stands a 25% chance of gaining knowledge of past or future events, Intelligence +1.
Claws: +1 damage
Cybernetic Implants: (type) organ or circulatory type computerized implants, +2 to effected stat/s; or +25% chance if the chance of an action is improved.


Dampening (aura or skin): (type - mental effects, energy, single elemental path, single magic path, etc.) +25% chance of reducing damage or effects of path or field of dampening.
Dark Vision: +1 perception vs. LoD of target trying to pierce. See through counter-veils into shadow realm, Acheron, the underworld and through dark kinds to see their inner thoughts and secrets.
Deafening Roar: roar can reach such levels as to deafen targets for 1 turn, +1 per ace, within a +10 foot radius, +1 foot per level.
Deflective (Aura or Skin): +25% chance deflecting energy or magic
Doesn't Breathe: character has no need to breathe oxygen. (immortals only)
Doesn't Eat: character has no need to eat what most consider food but does rely on something kind of nourishment (name type) to sustain itself. (immortals only)
Doesn't Drink: character has no need to drink water or other beverages. (immortals only)
Doesn't Sleep: character has no need to sleep (immortals only)
Double Jointed: +1 escapes, -2 strength
Dream Visionary: see fragments or full blown present, past, or future events through dreams. Mental fatigue occurs after having such dreams. 25% chance of gaining relevant information or useful hints. -5 to mental checks day after dream.


Early Maturation: young characters mature earlier mentally and physically. Eliminates youth penalties. Characters between the ages of 6-17 only.
Elemental Aspect: (define element type and trait type) when inactive the element is inert, but when active it inflicts +1 damage or power with its effects to anyone on contact (use elemental spell books if needed for elemental effects) Examples:
Flame Skin
Thunder Feet
Ice Claws
Acid Wings
Laser Eyes
Empath, True: 1 d6, +1 information from subject of empathy, +1 per ace. Sense moods, feelings, sickness and pain in others; Take their pain, illness, injury into self by touch, target healed by +15 HP per -1 AR spent, empath takes same in damage, HP Bonus +10. Character always shows empathy and compassion towards others and treat them with respect, but are fearful of evil kinds. Subjects of empathy can be any living being or organic form.
Ethereality: character has an ethereal form (describe) and takes no damage by any physical means
Extra Arm Length: +1 inch
Extra Arms: (how many-type)
Extra Legs: (over norm for character type; how many-type) +1 mvm each. Combine strength for all legs used in a kick.


Fangs, Small: +3 damage bite
Fangs, Normal: +6 damage bite
Fangs, Medium Large: +9 damage bite
Fangs, Large: +12 damage bite
Far Leap: leap up to +1 foot per success.
Fatigue Resistance: 10% chance of having no stamina loss (limit of 50% to mages, limit of 80% to rest).
Fatigue Immunity: limitless stamina, non-mage immortals only.
Filter Lungs: lungs filter out toxins in the air (and in water if amphibious)
Flash Speed: character can move with almost blind eye speed in bursts,
Flight, Bionic: ability to fly through bionics, mechanical wings having artificial feathers or membranes. These artificial wings required a LOT of painful surgery and treatments which made character's bones lighter and allowed operation of the wings through all kinds of implants in the shoulders. -1 strength, +1 dexterity, and the ability to fly. +5 mvm to flight. (Consult with GM to decide where the technology to gain this trait exists in the game).
Fortitude: +1 fortitude (type-scales, resilient muscle, thick hide, tough hide, telekinetic aura, carapice, etc.)
Fur, Soft: (where and what colour) character has soft fur which keeps it warm +10% cold resistance. +2 charisma, -2 swimming.
Fur, Course: (where and what colour) character has course fur which keeps it warm +12% cold resistance and sheds water, +1 swimming.


Gate Ability, Planar: character has a natural ability to open holes in the elemental planes and travel through and across them to reach most any destination as naturally as others might walk to the store. This also gives them a knack with elemental paths. +1 to any elemental roll.
Gills: character has gills and can breathe under water.
Gliding Wings: character has wings which allow gliding rather than flight. Start distance character can glide is 25 feet before descent occurs.


Healing Hands: +5 HP per success healing, character has a natural healing energy which flows through their hands to others.
Health Point Bonus: +10
Heavy Scales: +5 AC
Hermaphromorph: changes gender at will
Hearing, Acute: +2 perception to rolls using hearing
Horns: (how many-type, consult w/GM for damage)
Hyper-flight: +2 movement in flight (winged only)


Illusionist, Genuine: character has an innate ability to create illusions
Imagery, Genuine: character has an innate ability to project images to others
Immortality (explain): character does not age and appears to be (?) years old.
Immunity to the Delirium: character is unaffected by any powers, substances, or mental conditions which cause delirium.
Immunity to Poisons: character is unaffected by poisons (immortals only)
Increased Density: character is heavy for their size and build because their matter is unusually dense, +1 strength, +1 pound.
Independently Focusable Eyes: this character has chameleon-like eyes which move independently of each other, allowing them to see in two places at once.
Infra-vision: character can see in the dark and see heat, their eyes glowing red in the dark.
Inherent Ability: (type)
Inherent Magic: (path)
Inherent Power: (type)
Initiate Powers: character can turn their power on and off, and read as a non-mage type when their power is dormant.
Innate Feat: +1 feat at -2 stamina cost.
Innate Path: (1-40 spells) learn each level at 50% XP
Invisibility: +10 stealth while invisible. Character can become invisible, and though unseen others might hear, bump into them, or smell them.
Invisible to-: (type) this character is invisible to (one thing or race in particular) but though unseen they might hear, bump into, or smell the character.
Invisibility to Machines: machine monsters cannot see or smell this character.
Invulnerability: (+1 type) this character is invulnerable to (one particular thing).


Jet Speed: character can move at incredible speed in flight




Laser-: (type-eyes, breath, claws, etc.)
Lightning-: (type-breath, eyes, hands, claws, etc.)
Lunar Influence: (type)
Lycanthropic: character is a werebeast (type) and changes into animal form, or partial animal form on a full moon.


Mechanical Telepathy: character can communicate with machines telepathically
Microscopic Vision: character can see microscopic organisms but have to shut out their normal vision to do so
Mindlink: like telepathy but character achieves a link with +1 person's mental faculties and can maintain that link at any distance from any place.
Mindshare: ability to show others what the mind perceives, visualizes, thinks, even believes
Morph: (type) character can morph into something else
Move through Solid Objects: character can pass through solid objects
Mucous Skin: character has flesh made of mucous (yyyuuuummmm)
Multiple Forms: character can +1 form (type)


Nictating Membrane: an additional, transparent lid which protects eyes from dirt, dust, and minor contact injuries


Oracle: character receives strong impressions and echoes of past, present and future events, and stands a 45% chance of gaining knowledge of applicable events. Intelligence +3.
Oxygen Storage: character can store oxygen in their blood stream and lungs to breath without air for +30 minutes.


Parabolic Hearing: character can hear the minutest sounds, including sounds that cannot be heard with the naked ear, but they also have very sensitive ears, so must have an ever-present way to protect their ears or suffer -1 damage to their ears. Deafening effects cause -5 damage.
Penetrating Vocalization: character can speak with a voice which penetrates objects thus can talk to others through walls.
Penetrating Vision: character see through objects
Pheromonal Magnetism: character has a scent which attracts others but can control the release of the pheromones in their scent, +1 charisma, +10% chance of attracting others of any race.
Plant Empath: +1 information from plants, +1 per ace. Heal plants by touch by taking their injuries or illness into self for a brief time. Can cause a delayed sort of death to character if plant is near death. Character can sense what a plant is feeling and thinking. Character always shows empathy and compassion towards plants and treats them with respect.
Pheromonal Relations: character has a scent which attracts others of its kind but can control the release of the pheromones in their scent, +1 charisma, +10% attract others of same race.
Plant Empath: +1 information from plants, +1 per ace. Heal plants by touch by taking their injuries or illness into self for a brief time. Can cause a delayed sort of death to character if plant is near death. Character can sense what a plant is feeling and thinking. Character always shows empathy and compassion towards plants and treats them with respect.
Plant Empathy: 25% chance that character can sense what plants feel, or what motivates a plant, including plant elementals and enchanted plants (gain +1 information, +1 per ace from plants).
Polarized Eyes: eyes are protected from ultraviolet rays and are not easily blinded, +1 vision vs. blinding or damage from light. Vision is also filtered in an amber cast. -1 night vision.
Pure Breed: character's nationality or breed is not mixed with other races or breeds, +1 mental, -1 physical.


Quad Lycanthrope Form: character can shift into one of 4 animals forms (types) on a full moon, or partial animal forms at will.
Quantum Immunity: Immune to quantum affects and powers (non-magic users only)
Quantum Leap: leap distances and time through a quantum wormhole, 10% chance of destination not being random.
Quasi-immortal: character stops aging between 15-40 years of age (as heart, mind, and body wills) and has no age limit, but can still perish by mortal wounds.
Quasar Channeling (SA): channel bright bursts or waves of star-light with directional targeting, effective against vampires and others with sun or light sensitivity.
Quintessence: flawlessly perfect physical and mental embodiment, +1 to each check, +50 health; gain +3 NPC 'Enemies of Envy' to contend with that are no less than +3/+4/& +5 levels above character class level. Designate names, class, skills sets, and weapon for each enemy.


Radar Sense: sense radar to avoid it
Radio Hearing: character can hear natural or broadcast radio waves.
Radio Speech: character speaks with radio waves which can only be heard by races with radio hearing.
Regeneration: character can regenerate from wounds and lost limbs over time, +1 d6 HP per success. Roll on next turn after an injury occurs.


Sanctity: character is a hallowed or divine figure, +1 save, +25 HP, +5% chance per day of being targeted for assassination.
Scales: character has scales (describe), +1 Fortitude
See Invisible: character can see through invisibility fields and powers with special sight.
See Markings: character can see hidden marks, runes and glyphs with special sight.
Sentient Animal: character is an animal with a higher intelligence that can speak human tongues and has a sophisticated social mentality.
Shadow Form: character can take a shadow form, +1 d6 stealth
Shapeshifting: character can shapeshift into +1 form, choose from Bestiary, class and base abilities levels stay the same, all new abilities or new race related paths start at level 1.
Shocking Touch: character can shock by touch, +1 d6 damage and power, -1 AR to target, -1 AR per ace rolled
Shrinking Ability: character can shrink their size at will to called size, +1 stealth when under six inches tall, +1 additional stealth per -1 inch in height under six inches.
Sharp Teeth: +2 damage bite
Sixth Sense: character has an innate sixth sense, +1 perception vs. stealth, spirits and the unseen.
Sixth Sense, Acute: +2 perception vs. stealth and the unseen, spirits are always seen.
Smashing Tail: character has a heavy, strong tail (describe) which they can smash things with, +5 damage, +2 strength.
Sonic Blast: character can release a massive sound wave and cause damage, +1 d6 damage.
Speak Underwater: character can speak clearly underwater.
Speak with (type): character can speak to and be understood by (what), and understand them, +1, gain helpful information or clue, +1 per ace.
Speak with Animals: character can speak to and be understood by animals, and understand them, +1 animal per level
Speak with Fish: character can speak to and be understood by fish, and understand them
Speak with Plants: character can speak to and be understood by plants, and understand them Special Ability, Custom: (type) gain +1 HB or +1 d6 to roll (define specs).
Spectrum Vision: character sees things in a heat, energy and aural light wave spectrum of colours which is as natural to them as the way other beings see. As such they can see what others cannot, such as invisble or shadow cloaked beings. Blinding light only incurs a -2 perception penalty with no AR loss. No nighttime penalty to sight, but where there is 0 light they can only see heat differences which are subtle and living things. -50% sight perception in caves and underground.
Sphere of Power: (path) character has an inborn path of power and specializes in it at 50% XP cost (take only if building a custom character).
Spines: character has sharp spines, +5 damage (+1 damage each; define where and how many).
Spiny Fur: character has quills, +10 damage (+1 damage each; define where).
Spirit Empath: 1 d6, +1 information from spirit subject to empathy, +1 per ace. Sense moods, feelings, and intentions in spirits; Pull spirits into self to raise them into a called spectral realm or plane. HP Bonus +10. Gain +100 XP per every spirit raised. Character always shows empathy and compassion towards spirits but is fearful of evil spirits.
Spirit Symbiont: +3 d6 Innate Level, character is both a spirit living within a corporeal form and the person or being who has agreed to fuse WITH the spirit.
Speak to Spirits: (and wraiths), gain +1 information from spirit, +1 per ace.
Spirit Sense: sense demeanor, energy levels, and intentions in spirits to discover how dangerous or powerful they are
Vanquish: Pull spirits into self to raise them into a called spectral realm or plane; or to dampen a spirit's power by total power of roll.
Spirit Oneness: unaffected by normal spirit powers (chills, ice, drains, telekinesis, stuns, or staggering).
Living Spirit: HP Bonus: +20.
Goal: gain +100 XP per every spirit raised, absorbed, or defeated.
Physical Being: choose a form from bestiary and take its stats.
Dormancy: the spirit can rest within its host when it is inactive whereby the host traits takes over.
Subsonic Hearing: character can hear sounds at a subsonic level (hear almost anything up to +1 mile, +1 per ace away; double loud sound penalties).
Subsonic Speech: character can speak at a subsonic level of sound which only animals and creatures with subsonic hearing can hear at distances of up to +1 mile, +1 per ace away.
Super Jump: +1 dexterity and jump, character can jump incredibly far, up to +1 foot per success.
Supernatural Power: (type) +1 power


Tail, Constricting: this tail can coil around enemies to hold (+1 strength vs. strength) or crush (+1 damage)
Tail, Lashing: this is a reptile-like tail which can be used to whip at enemies, +1 damage, or throw up to +1 foot per success.
Tail, Soft: this tail type is covered with soft fur and is quite sensitive to touch, +1 perception when tail is used, -1 willpower if tail is injured.
Taste, Acute: +2 perception vs. ingested poisons or toxins
Telescopic Vision: +1 perception using vision, +1 quarter mile range
Temporal Inertia: character can move through time very rapidly. +1 d6 movement
Thick Fur: character has thick fur (where), +1 Fortitude
Thick Hide: character has thick skin, +1 Fortitude
Time-Walker: character is a time walker and can surpass the boundaries of time, -5 stamina to use. If time walker interferes with history they create an alternate time zone, and have an 80% (-1% per level) chance of getting stuck in that time zone until they can roll an LoD of 30 to escape.
Transference, Energy: +1, character can tap various energy sources as raw energy and transfer it to self or others as converted power to damage, strengthen, augment, heal, stun, drain, dampen, even destroy (w/natural triple crit) a physical or mental attribute (check or vital stat) as called.
Transform: (+1 type) character can transform self and other things into other forms, -5 stamina to use.
Treasure Sense: character can sense when something of value is nearby, +1 d6 success chance of knowing if there is treasure nearby and of gaining +1 clue, +1 per ace to where sensed treasures are. (or 10% chance roll).
True Sight: character can see past cloaks, invisibility, concealment magic, deceptions, and lies.


Ultrasonic Speech: speak at ultrasonic levels so high that only those with Ultrasonic Hearing can even detect it. Carries over distances of up to +1 mile, +1 per ace as well. Underwater Breathing: (type-gills or filter lungs) Underwater Form: (describe) this form allows character to swim, breathe and navigate well underwater, thus has fish-like aspects (webbed feet and hands, gills, nictating lenses).
Universal Digestion: can eat almost anything without digestive problems or poisoning (unless extremely deadly).
Unstoppable Growth: character continues to grow until the day they die by +1 inch per year. Gain +1 to strength, stamina, and movement per foot of growth over six feet. Adjust Health to gains. Lose -1 stealth per foot of growth over six feet. This is a Detrimental Flaw despite the advantages.
Unrestricted Reproduction: can breed with any other biological form if physically possible to create hybrid species. GM discretion only. Usually used for alien, angel, demon or devil types.
Unlimited Stamina: character is a being of pure energy within a corporeal body and has unlimited stamina (non-mages only).


Venom: (type) character can inflict +1 d6 damage poison with (? bite, claws, fingernails, skin, etc.) with a specific effect (type) which can effect +1 attribute (check or vital stat).
Vision, Acute: +2 perception using eyesight
Voice: (for animals and creatures) an animal can speak in a known or little known language
Voices on the Wind: character's voice can carry on the wind over great distances (wind elementals can take this free)


Walk on Air: character can levitate to walk on air.
Walk on Liquid: character can modify their weight to walk on liquid.
Warm-blooded: character is warm blooded (take for types that are not usually warm blooded)
Webbing: character has webbed hands or feet or both which makes them an excellent swimmer, +4 swimming.
Were Form: character is a lycanthrope (animal type-special abilities and powers) and must shift during a full moon.
Wild Magic: Innate Magic, gain levels at half cost or by successful use; +1 Level gained when spell has been successfully cast number of times equal to level. Character is so adept at magic that they improvise spells on the spot by mentally projecting the affect they desire, but their power is very unpredictable. Rolls and path list (Take Wild Magic Stats below).
Winged Flight: (type-feathered, membrane, other?) character has wings and can fly at double +10 movement when in flight.
World Sight: character can see anything as it is happening anywhere in the world through exact visions.


Xenebiotic Embodiment: inject or introduce a chemical compound into the body of a target (type, injection by claws, spines, or fangs; by secretion from skin or saliva; vapors exhaled from breath? etc.). Chemical can be altered before release to either poison a target, cause sleep, agonizing pain, paralyze, cause passivity or obedience, or even to alter appearance on a molecular level. Characters with this trait are immune to chemicals and compounds that get into their body or skin
Xenomorph: character sheds one form to become another species altogether, and each time a form is 'shed' a unique new species results. Swap up to three or more traits each morph and re-describe character. -1 Trait level or check is cost of each morph. This condition can be species related, caused by an alien disease (xenomorphia), or by powerful magic (curse of xenogenesis).
Xerothermic Race: adapted perfectly to desert life, immune to fire and heat, need little water (less than one ounce a day), gather nutrients from radiation (sun and other sources) so need to eat very little unless sun exposure is cut off for more than two days. Vegetarian when food is eaten.


Youthfulness: character always looks younger than his/her actual age by -10 years, +1 charisma.


Zephyric Ethereal: an ethereal embodiment of air and wind which can take a corporeal form that commands air elements innately at half cost, or can gain levels through practice, +1 level gained when spell is practiced successfully a number of times equal to half its elemental level. Character also has unlimited stamina and can take no physical damage when in ethereal form.
Zero-Gravity Control: character can become weightless and then regain gravity at will to levitate, jump high and far, catch someone falling and let them gently down, cause others to float, and perform other feats of zero or more gravity at will. Stamina cost while using this ability is cut in half.

Detrimental Traits


Albinism: -1 damage per turn exposed to sunlight, +2 damage in direct sunlight; -3 on all blinding defenses.
Aquatic Being: +3 innate aquamancer; character longs to explore the surface of the world but is strictly aquatic, and must seek unusual means to 'walk' amongst the terrestrials. Character is always at risk on land should he/she lose use of their artificial means of breathing and even standing and walking; if this occurs they risk suffocation and or being crippled until their support system is restored.
Astral Entity, Physical: +3 innate astromancy; character is an astral entity which is not well suited to terrestrial living; adapted for zero-gravity, life on gravity-dependant worlds is painful and arduous, much as normal gravity is crippling to their far more fragile body; thus this astral being must brace their muscles to make use of them and utilize support devices such as crutches and wheel chairs (or magical means of levitation to lighten their body). Though Astral beings enjoy floating and flying, few have wings meant for flying but rather for gliding where little 'push' is needed in their natural environs to send them soaring. As such they tend to have very subtle movements. Physical Checks cut in half in gravity-'normal' or dependant environments. Intelligence and Will increased by +3 due to adaptation necessity.
Astral Entity, Ethereal: +3 innate astromancy or levimancy; character is an astral entity which is not well suited to terrestrial living; adapted for zero-gravity, life on gravity-dependant worlds is problematic and demanding. They are often mistaken as a spirit of the dead, and are Unable to interact with a physical world. A Being of pure energy, touch to them is the joining of energies. Though this being cannot be affected by physical contact or weapons, it cannot manipulate anything physical either. As such this being has no defenses against physical weapons, 0 HB on defense against all physical attack and combat styles.




Contagion: character is the carrier of a contagion they themselves are immune to, which damages those who contact them by -10 HP per day (or turn w/crit) until cured.














































Zero-Maturity-Growth: character stopped aging before his/her time (define age) and have ceased to grow taller or to mature in any way since. Take any age penalties if any from check page, otherwise take youthfulness in advantages. Mental checks cannot increase while physical checks are at half cost.


Wild Magic Rolls

Take with Wild Magic Trait:
Botches with action dice cause magic to backfire on mage at great force and affect, damage doubled, -1 stamina, -1 per ace.
Failed Spell Checks with action dice cause magic to implode and create a dead zone in 25 yard radius which lasts 3 turns.
1 d20 WILD MAGIC HIT DICE (use in place of normal hit dice).
1: Power backfires and implodes to create a dead magic area of +20 foot radius per success.
2-3: Power backfires on mage to glance them at half damage.
4-6: Power fizzles out and Mage cannot cast again for 3 turns.
7-9: Power fizzles out and fails.
10-12: Magic succeeds but with 30-33-36% chance that a diff. spell will be cast (create a spell from next path in list, spell must be of different base effect (harm, defend, control, alter) even number choose arcane, odd number choose elemental.
13-15: Magic succeeds.
16-17: Power is critical as is damage but with 48-51% chance that a diff. spell will be cast (create a spell from next path in list, spell must be of different base effect (harm, defend, control, alter) even number choose arcane, odd number choose elemental.
18-19: Power is critical as is damage and succeeds as called.
20+: Power amplified by double, including critical damage. Target MR, Path Resistance, and Immunities are useless.
Path List
Acid - (sulfurimancy)
Path of Air - (aeromancy)
Astral - (astromancy)
Earth - (terramancy)
Elecrical - (electromancy)
Elemental Purification - (purgomancy)
Path of Fire - (pyromancy)
Path of Ice - (glaciomancy)
Light - (levimancy)
Master of the Storm - (baromancy)
Morph Elements - (morphomancy)
Shadow Path - (umbramancy)
Spirit Elements - (spectremancy)
Time - Chronomancy
Verdure - Plants - (verdurmancy)
Water Elements - (hydromancy)

Abyss - (abyssmancy)
Abysmal Ice - (abyssmancy)
Dark Invocation - Curses
Divine Invocation - Pending
Illusory Shroud
Lore (pending)
Wizardry - Healing, Protection

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008