Black Abominations

Abominate vampires used as guards
Levels: 10-25

Strength: +10
Fortitude: Base Level 9
Dexterity: +5
Perception: +10 eyesight, +8 scent and hearing
Regeneration: Base Level 4
Wolf: Claws: +10, Fangs: +3
Lion: Claws: +15, Fangs: +5
Black Death: a necromantic toxin which imbues their claws and fangs up to three times a day at will, causes degeneration, does aggravated damage until infliction is counteracted. If victim perishes from the black death they become a mummified corpse and rise almost immediately after death as an undead vampire under the black abomination and his sire's command.
MR: 5% per level.
HB and AR: Start at +2

Combat: Specialization; HB and AR bonus, Two Weapons and Bestial Combat

Vampiric Temple: Take these abilities from vampire information page

Path: Path of Shadows (levels 1-10), +1 Elemental Path (limited, choose 12 spells, one from each stamina level)


    These vampires share a great deal in common with Bestial Abominations, with exception of their appearance and the poison they are named after. Black Abominations look like large goblins with brow horns and vampiric traits. They are winged, have fairly large, rather mishapen pointed ears, stand seven and a half to eight feet in stature and are black, brown, or grey in appearance. They have thick, leathery skin, pale green or yellow eyes, large, heavily clawed hands and feet, large fangs, and are very muscular. Despite their appearance they are intelligent, some of them highly intelligent. They are always male, and are capable of breeding with any human-like race to produce offspring, which grow at the rapid rate of one year per month. They are incabable of blood siring. They can speak any language taught to them, as well as Gruag, the language of the goblins. These beasts are always created with the blood of their masters, by vampires with the power to create these particular creatures. They start out as demon goblins, but before they become too powerful, they are sired as Vampires by the blood of their intended masters, and undergo a strict ritual to destroy the siring components in their blood, and preserve their 'life-spark' so that they can breed. The blood they are created out of bonds them to their master, and they are very loyal. They are used as Guards for Havens, Lairs, and even personal body guards. They are extremely strong and quick, with highly trained sense of smell and vision, and are very alert creatures. They are also immortal with regeneration, and are resistant to magic.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008