Bone Warrior

skeleton warriors

Levels: 3 d6, 4 d6 checks (or 1-25 played)

Appearance: Skeletons wearing full suit of armor, armed with various weapons and a buckler or shield.  These creatures are raised from the graves of dead warriors that have been dead 50 or more years, and who were buried in their armor with their weapons  Their bones are strengthened and joints are fused with pliable cartilage in the process of raising them, and their will, knowledge and intelligence is founded on echoes of their past life.

Checks: Strength: Level+5, Dexterity: 12-14, Stealth: 10, Movement: Level+2, Stamina: Limitless, Intelligence: 12-16, Instincts: 14-17, Willpower: Level+5

Telekinetic: limited, inborn powers

Attack Damage: Whatever weapons they are raised with + Strength.

HP: Bone Strength=HP. Bone Strength relies on MA power used to raise them, Total roll=Level, Level x 30 + Level Used = HP.

Immunities: Disease, Cold, Immune to Necromancy.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008