Devil of Tongues


Levels: 7 - 10 d6, checks 8-10 d6


Charisma: +8
Willpower: +6
Stamina: +10
Inborn Powers: Same as either an arch devil's or devils according to type of devil played.

Arcane Paths
Path of Quantum Projection: limited paths, only with speech.
Path of Chaos: Chaos Aspected: same number of paths as arch devil or devil
Story Teller Aspect: Chaos Aspected, as a signature path, meaning each spell can be applied once a day with no stamina cost.


    An Arch Devil or Devil which attains the ability to command his power through quantum projection of speech, speaking their commands in the ancient tongue of Esurian and or Mythemyn, the tongue of demons. This devil also often acts as the voice of Acheron's King to carry his messages to select enemies, allies or creatures of interest. It takes many years to learn and master their craft.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008