Red Goat Demon - Se'irim

Strength: Level+8
Stamina: Level+10
Fortitude: Level+5
Regeneration: Base Level 7
Bestial Combat: Hit Bonus +3
Claws: +1 per feet in height +MA
Kick: Strength +1 damage per level
Bite: +1 per level
Haste: +10}
AR: +1

Arcane Paths: Master of the Flame, fire elements, full path

class: Warrior-Mage-Guardian


    Red Goat demons have deep crimson, leathery flesh, with goat heads, wings, cloven hooves, and large claws. Stature is 7-12 feet, which increases with age and power. Strong, muscular and very dexterious, these demons are a handful in combat.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008