
Giant Red Banded Centipede

Levels: Length + 2 = Level.
Length: 6 d6, 6-36 feet, and 1-6 feet in height (+1 foot in height per 6 rolled).
Checks: 12 + 2 d6
Fortitude: Level X 2 + check roll Hard Exoskeleton
Strength: Level +6
Stamina: Level +6 +2 d6 age bonus
Movement: +4
Intelligence: Instinctual
Instinct: 18
Reflexes: 18
Bite: Level X 5
Venom: +50
Long Life: Can live to be 500 years old.
Immunities: Immune to Fire and Acid.
Lifespan of up to 2000 years.

Information: Colorful, giant centepede. Black with deep red bands. Poison burns and is very painful. Found in and near jungles, large forests and sea caves or caves near shores. Eats almost anything it can catch. Not aggressive unless feeding but easily provoked if aggravated.

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