Nav Home a (a - 'an')
ah, aa (ah - 'ocelot')
ae, e (ay - 'aim')
ae, e (ae/ay - 'fame' - 'pay')
aw (aw - 'awe' - 'august')
au (ow - 'owl')
e (ay - ‘ape’)
e+cc, eh (eh - ‘egg’}
ee, ei (ee - 'eat' - 'deed')
eu - (eu - 'euphoric' - 'you')
i (ee - 'eat' - 'deed')
ai , ei (i - 'pie')
ih (ih - 'igloo')
o (o – ‘ogre’)
au (ow - 'out' - 'owl')
uh (uh - 'utter')
u - (oo - 'boot')
ue (yeh - 'yes')
eu (yoo - eurika)
y+c (eh – ‘edible’)
y' (ee - 'eat')
si+v, sh (sh – 'shush’)
c (s - 'snake')
ch (k – ‘kick’ )
q, k (k - ‘kick’)
kh, tc (ch - 'chance')
kw (q - 'quick')
ks – (x – ‘axe’)
yh, y - (y - 'yes')
y as vowel (eh - 'egg')
x- (z – ‘zodiac’)
zj – (zhj – ‘genre’)
(*) words they have no word for, only derivations from other languages.
(+c) with consonant
(+v) with vowel.
Nav Home xenophobia -- umaedahpixeulai (oo-may-dah-pihk-syoo-li)
Nav Home Yes -- dokhae (doh-chay)
Yore -- naemes (nay-mehs)
You -- ku (koo)
You are, You're -- kuza (koo-zah)
Your -- kud (kood)
Yours -- igkud (ihg-kood)
Young -- hael (hayl)
Youth -- haelut (hay-luht)
Yummy (delicious, savory) -- faetkola (fayt-koh-lah)
Nav Home Zero -- nurit (nur-riht)
Zenith; Pinnacle -- oraieu (o-ri-yoo)
Zone -- daatcni (dahch-nee)
Nav Home (-)s ------------------ mahl (mahl)
0 ------------------ niyt (nee-it)
1 ------------------ kae (kay)
2 ------------------ dah (dah)
3 ------------------ ko (koh)
4 ------------------ dau (dow)
5 ------------------ ki (kee)
6 ------------------ bae (bay)
7 ------------------ kai (ki)
8 ------------------ ku (koo)
9 ------------------ thu (thoo)
10s ------------------ T - t - ti (tee)
100s ------------------ F - f - ef (ehf)
1000s ------------------ R - r - ar (ar)
10,000s ---------- Z - z - zi (zee)
100,000s ---------- V - v - vi (vee)
1,000,000s ---------- N - n - en (ehn)
100,000,000s ---------- M - m - em (ehm)
1,000,000,000s -------- X - x - eks (ehks)
All numbers above X: TX=10,000,000,000 -- word: tix. FX= 100,000,000,000 -- word: fex
Multiply by (#): (hyphenated) id-
Decimal: Y -- "2.7" is (#-and, #, out of-#) or (dah-ret, kai, theuaz-ti)
Number examples: start with numerals from left to right and work up to largest digit. All whole numbers divisible by 10 use capitalized letters at end of each number particle. All 1s are separate from the whole numbers which can be divided by ten. ALL zeros (except for zero alone) signify whole numbers. Ones are used as are only as the first particle, then are combined with the 10s pyramid to build the greater numbers.
8 - ku.
18 -- 8-(1) 10s -- ku-kaet
80 -- (8) 10s -- kut
88 -- 8-(8) 10s -- ku-kut
800 -- (8) 100s -- kuf
1,500 -- (5) 100s-(1) 1000s -- kif-kaer
12, 565 -- 5-(6) 10s-(5) 100s-(2) 1000s-(1) 10,000s -- ki-baet-kif-dahr-kaez
134,873 -- 3-(7) 10s-(8) 100s-(4) 1000s-(3) 10,000s-(1) 100,000s -- ko-kait-kuf-daur-koz-kaev
-90 -- (-9) 10s -- mahl-thut
3.134873 -- (3-and, 3-(7) 10s-(8) 100s-(4) 1000s-(3) 10,000s-(1) 100,000s, out of-1,000,000) -- ko-ret, ko-kait-kuf-daur-koz-kaev, theuaz-kaen.
Opposite (-less, un-) -- naex- (nayks)
Surfeit (-ful, -ledge) -- -gus (goos); -bah (bah); -tah (tah); ghus- (goos); -il (eel)
Possibility (-able) -- -aeg (ayg)
Like (-phile) -- -aidae (i-day)
Dislike: (-phobe) -- -umaedah (oo-may-dah)
Strong relation: (-ship) -- (prefix) dheu- (dhyoo)
Relative to: (-ion) -- (-)ri(-) (ree); -in (ihn); -aeen (ay-en); -dihth (dihth)
Inhabitant (-er, -ian, -an, -ese) -- -aeed (ay-ehd); -uahr (oo-ahr)
Weakening of meaning (-ish) -- -or (or); -nor (nor)
Strengthening of meaning (to the max) -- -ihr (ihr)
Subsidiary, party to: (ary, -y) -- -ai (i 'pie'); -lai (li); -kihr (kihr); lae (lay); beu- (byoo)
A Completed Action (-ed) -- -ri
Incomplete Action (-ing) -- -nit (neet); -it (eet), -ah
Pluralization -- gil- (geel); -ir (eer); or il- (eel)
In extreme number -- geu- (gyoo); -gu (goo); gud- (good)
Possessive -- ig (ihg) (precursing possession)
Nav Home Word Order: VSO (verb/subject/object: 'have I it.')
Descriptive Words: come before verb or noun. "Ate rotten meat did my old dog."
The sentence order is "verb, subject, object," indirect objects precede objects, and clauses follow the same basic rules. Tenses are added as prefixes to verbs when appropriate, and prepositions and prepositional phrases are treated as descriptive words (adj. and adv. below), and come before the verb,object and subject they describe.
Ex. 1 (basic) "I have a cat," becomes "Have I a cat," or "kon mawt dah mirau "
Ex. 2 (verb) "My cat is running," becomes, "Running is my cat."
"So if I am insane, what does that make you?" becomes, "Make you what does that, if so insane am I?"
Ex. 3 (tense) "A hundred soldiers are coming." becomes "Coming are one hundred soldiers." or "vaethit za kaif roahnrigihl ."
Ex. 4 (prepositions) "It is under the table" becomes "Under the table is it" or "broes xae aedaw tegh jyd." || "I am with him" becomes "With him am I." or "riyk raef od mawt."
Ex. 5 (clauses) "she, the person you know, has gone" becomes, "gone has she, know you the (f.)person." or "jaet kon wijo, awrim ku xae wijae"
Adjectives/Adverbs: Descriptive words come before the object, subject or verb they relate to.
Ex. "Red dog," is "Red dog." or "kinahs wovyn."
Ex. 2 "The red dog is coming fast," becomes, "Fast coming is the red dog." or "heuis vaethit tegh xae kinahs wovyn ."
Ex. 3 "I am weary," becomes "Weary am I," or "mawt siawmaez od."
Articles: Articles (a/an/the) are used before nouns and verbs and their adjectives. Adverbs come before adjectives. "A black cat," is "A black cat." or "dah umag myrau." "The black cat is fast," becomes, "fast is the black cat." || A and an are the same word; (dah). The is; xae (zay).
Punctuation and Capitalization: Punctuation is the same as English, with few distinctions. There is NO capitalization.
When two consecutive words in a sentence have the same vowel or consonant sound that are pronounced one after the other, a letter is added to the end of the first word to correct the blending in sound.
Ex. 1 (like sounding vowels) add a (q) to end of word. "ruesri iwyr" (roo-ess-ree ee-weer), becomes, "ruesrihq iwyr," (roo-ess-reek ee-weer). Q is only used for this purpose and makes the (k) sound.
Ex 2 (like sounding consonants) add an (eo) to end of word. "hoek komahd" (hoh-ek koh-mahd) becomes, "hoekeo komahd." (ho-ek-o ko-mahd). Eo is only used for this purpose and makes the (o) sound.
Usage of (y's) and (i's): (y's) come after vowels, and the letters (m, w, v and z) or (x) when (x) is making the (z) sound. Words beginning with the (ih) sound always begin with an (i). Words with an (i) that are two or three letters long use (y) in place of (i), but if the word is combined with another word to make a longer word, the (y) becomes an (i) unless it falls after one of it's partner letters.
Adapted Words: There are certain words in this language that are not spoken, or only recently spoken. Maybe and can are two of those words. 'You can do it', becomes, 'You will do it.' Words that have been adapted for occasional use are marked with (*).
Making words and names: It is not uncommon for words to be joined together as one word to make names or to get meanings across. To make a word, MOST of each word must remain intact when connected. Alter only the letters which make pronunciation difficult or awkward. When making names the combined word can be changed as much as desired as long as the order of the letters and some part of both words remains intact. To make a name or word that means 'evil heart' the words 'black' and 'heart', or 'wicked' and 'soul' might be joined together.
Ex 1 -- umag (black) iahnlur (heart). The two words could be combined as 'umagiahnlur' (oo-mag-ee-ahn-loor) to form a word, or be shortened for a name to 'umagahnlu' (oo-mag-ahn-loo) or even 'magahl' (ma-gahl) as long as the word contains particles of both words.
Ex 2 -- matmuhl (wicked) eukrius (soul). The two words could be combined as 'matmuhleukrius' (mat-muhl-yoo-kree-uhs) to form a word, or be shortened for a name to 'matleukrius' (mat-loo-kree-us), 'matleukus' (mat-loo-kus) or even 'leukus' (loo-kus) as long as the word contains particles of both words.
Ex 3 (common meanings) -- To make common words combine the words which make up the word intended. For example daylight would be, 'uthhaem' (day) and 'lukah' (light) linked together as, uthhaemlukah (ooth-haym-loo-kah).