Nav Home keep: kul (kul)
keep (n): kwlo (koo-lo)
keeper: kur (ker)
kin: dwwer (doo-wehr), wer (wehr)
kind: tymo (tee-mo), timo (ti-mo), ptimo (tee-mo)
kindred: dwwer (doo-wehr), wer (wehr)
king: psi'tar (see-tar)
king's hill or stronghold: ptera (tayr-a)
knight: euwhor
Nav Home c+, +c: means with consonant
v+, +v: means with vowel
a: a (cat)
aa: ah (otter)
ae: ay (ate)
ao: ay-o (aogar = ay-o-gar)
e: eh (egg)
ea: ay-ah (leas = lay-ahs)
ea+v: ay (leaos = lay-os)
ee: ee (eat)
eo: ee-o (eofen = ee-o-fen)
y: ee (eat)
i: ih (it)
ie: ee-eh (niem = nee-em)
ir()+e: ur (tirke = turk, vs. tirk=teerk)
hy: i (ice)
o: o (oak)
oe, oa: o (oak)
u: uh (under)
u+v: w (uath = wath)
yh: y (yes)
yw = u: oo (ywth = yooth)
c+w=u: oo (rw = roo)
wh: w (wind)
x: z (zen)
z: s (snake)
sz: zh (szon = zjon)
pso: so, (soak)
pse: say, (same)
psi: see, (seem)
psa: sah (sock)
pto: to, (tome)
pte: tay, (tame)
pti: tee, (team)
pta: tah (tom)
q: kw (qeg = kweg)
Nav Home Included are customary Grwag spelling // and Namas Versions for goblins who were born in human society, or humans given goblin names.
battle charger: Qaigorn (kwie-gorn)
battle ready: Pteaqai (tay-kwie)
benefactor (m): Tmori (teh-mor-ee) // Temori
born rider (m): Caorgal
born rider (f): Caogren
born warrior (m): Whorgaal (war-gahl) // Waurgal
chosen son: Hyorndwn (hyorn-doon) // Horndun
clawed knight (m): Euwiraun (yoo-weer-awn) // Euwiren
clawed knight (f): Euwirgox (yoo-weer-goz) // Euwirgoz
dark hearted (m): Xaexen (zay-zen) // Zaezen
dark hearted (f): Xoxen (zo-zen) // Zozen
daughter of the earth: Gallgoxen (gal-go-zen) // Galgozen
daughter of fire: Ygraen (ee-grayn) // Igraen
doubter (m): Thallen (thal-en)
doubter (f): Thellox (thel-loz) // Theloz
heart of rage (m): Draegen (dray-gen)
generous heart (f): Gortheme (gor-theh-may)
generous soul (m): Temethae (teh-meh-thay)
golden scaled son: Raaxgol (rahz-gol) // Razgol
golden scaled daughter: Golroxa (gol-ro-zah) // Golroza
heart of emptiness (m): Xaen (zayn)
heart of emptiness (f): Axaegon (a-zay-gon)
horned king: Psi'Xokxyx (see-zoks-zeez) // Zeksziz
horned queen: Z'Xokxyx (seh-zoks-zeez) // Zozeksziz
kind hearted son: Timogen (ti-mo-gen), Ptimojen (tee-mo-jen) // Timmojen
kind hearted daughter: Ptiogen (tee-o-gen), Ptiojen (tee-o-jen) // Tiogen, Tiojen
master weaver (m): Miggens
master spinner (f): Megg
sharp tooth (m): Gysaekw (gee-say-koo) // Gisaeku
sharp tooth (f): Goxaekw (go-zay-koo) // Gozaeku
son of the earth: Gallendwn (gal-en-doon), Galldwn (gal-doon) // Galendun, Galdun
son of fire: Ygraedwn (ee-gray-doon) // Igraedun
true heart: Ojien (o-jee-en)
weilder of dark arts (m): Exaexean (eh-zay-xee-an) // Ekzaezien
strange son: Kurke, Kirke (kerk), Kirk (keerk) // Kirk
strangely behaved son: Kiraak (keer-ahk)
strange daughter: Kuroko, Kiroko (f)
yellow eyed son: Icireex (i-keer-eez) // Ikiriz or Ykiriz
yellow eyed daughter: Roxaare (ro-zah-ree) // Rozari
Nav Home Namesakes are used for surnames and are passed down from one generation to the next. The Namas versions are used as first names for Goblins born and raised amongst the humans, and for humans given goblin names as well. Some surnames were passed down from female (f) ancestors, while the rest are male in origin.
the bat:
the battle charger: Qaigaard (kwie-gahrd) // Kwaigard
the battle ram: Whaetogaan (way-to-gahn)
the bear: M'Bachy (meh-ba-chee) // Mebachi
the beserker: Yttak (ee-tak) // Itakk
the boar: Padracos (pa-dra-kos)
the calm heart: Shaesthojen (shays-tho-jen)
the cave bear: M'Ptobach (meh-to-bach) // Metobach
the cave dragon: Xargomag (zar-go-mag) // Zargomag
the cave dweller: Xargosaad (zar-go-sahd)
the cave dweller (f): Xargoxaa (zar-go-zah)
the cobra: Oheeshosh (o-hee-shosh)
the curse dealer: Estmodwn (est-mo-doon) // Estmodun
the death bringer: Araeoved (ar-ay-o-ved)
the dragon: Maadrwgor
the dragon (f): Maagoxor (mah-goz-or)
the dragon-rider: Caomaag (kay-oh-mahg)
the eagle: Thwrkek (thoor-kek) // Thorkek
the forest dweller: Esthofelaad (ehs-tho-fel-ahd), Thofelaad
the forest dweller: Oxthofelaan (ox-tho-fel-ahn), Othfelaan
the gatherer: Eakim (ee-ah-keem)
the gatekeeper: Xarkwn (zar-koon)
the guardian: Psyxwz (sie-zoos)
the hawk: Scrygrul (scree-grul)
the healer: Du'Chexaa (doo-cheh-zah)
the hope bringer: Esturn (est-urn)
the hunter: Ptaqaan (tay-kwahn)
the islander: Mishoty (mi-sho-tee)
the life giver: Aostemaeth (ay-ohs-teh-mayth)
the lion: Kullrek
the luck bringer: Esdraqis (es-dra-kwis)
the man slayer: Docaos (do-kay-os)
the mariner: Paadish (pah-deesh)
the marred: Qurxekxyx (kwur-zek-seez)
the messenger: Agdwnus (ag-doo-nes)
the messenger (f): Axgodus (az-go-dus)
the monster slayer: Caodrac (cay-o-drak), Heudrecos (hyoo-drek-os), Caogor (kay-o-gor)
the monster slayer (f): Ogcaodrac (og-cay-o-drak), Heudregox (hyoo-dreh-goz), Ogcaog (og-kay-og)
the mountain dweller: Du'Menxaad (doo-men-zaad) // DuMenzad
the mountain dweller (f): Axiksxaad (az-iks-zaad) // Azikkzad
the owl: Ptuwharw (too-wah-roo) // Tuwaru
the owl (f): Ax'Ptuwhar (az-too-wahr) // Aztuwar
the path finder: Gourek (gow-rek) // Gowrek
the path finder (f): Goxurek (go-zur-ek) // Gowzurek
the path seeker: Gouroen (gow-ro-en) // Gowrowyn
the path seeker (f): Gouroxen (gow-ro-zen) // Gowrozen
the pretender: Xaaxokswn (zah-zok-soon) // Zazoksun
the pretender (f): Xaagoxwn (zah-go-zoon) // Zagozun
the prophet: Gorphell (gor-fel) // Gorfell
the prophet (f): Orgphell (org-fel) // Orgfell
the rider: Caoreex (kay-or-eez) // Caoriz
the rider (f): Caexori (kae-zor-ee) // Caezori
the river dweller: Ptumenus (too-men-us) // Tumenus
the river dweller (f): Ptumengoz (too-men-gos) // Tumengoz
the runner: M'Yhouti (meh-yow-tee) // Miyowti
the runner (f): P'Yhoutw (peh-yow-too) // Pehyowti
the savage heart: Rojenxi (ro-jen-zee) // Rojenzi
the serpent: Omaambw (o-mahm-boo) // Omambu
the silver blade: Myroscaif (meer-o-skief)
the slayer: Caosar (kay-o-sar)
the star follower: Ptigraksw (tee-grak-soo) // Tigraksu
the strider: Eurethyx (yoor-ay-theez) // Uraethis
the swan: Ym'Ocetse (im-o-ket-say) // Ymoketsae
the traveler: Dwnaavy (doo-nah-vee) // Dunavi
the war-hammer: Crwgur (kroo-gur) // Cruger
the watcher: D'Vaanroza (deh-vahn-ro-sah) // Devanrosa
the wolf: Ym'warwsaa (im-war-oo-sah) // Imwarusa
the world traveler: D'Vyxcor (deh-veez-scor) // Devizscor